Privacy Policy

K-Rider is developed and operated by Liaoning Erya Network Information Technology Co., Ltd. The privacy policy of K-Rider applies to all software, websites, and services provided by K-Rider (collectively referred to as "K-Rider Products or Services"), including but not limited to products and services suitable for computers, mobile intelligent terminals, and vehicle navigation devices.

The privacy policy of K-Rider is designed to help you better understand what data we collect, why we collect this data, what we do to benefit this data, and how we protect this data. Understanding these contents is crucial for you to exercise your personal rights and protect your personal information. Please take the time to carefully read this policy before using our products or services. When you start downloading, accessing, or using our products or services, you indicate that you have agreed to this privacy policy and trust our handling of your information. Your information should be subject to the privacy terms of third parties.

This policy includes the following content:


Before you use this software, please read and understand this statement carefully. You may choose not to use the Software, but if you use the Software, you will be deemed to have accepted the entire contents of this statement.

1. Please operate the software before or when the car is parked. Do not operate it during the driving process, otherwise you shall bear the responsibility for the safety accident caused.

2. The Internet traffic fee generated by using the software shall be charged by the operator, and our company shall not charge any fee.

3. Do not allow others to use the software, otherwise it will be deemed that you have told others all the contents of this statement and accepted by others.

4. The software includes the vehicle-to-terminal interconnection software, which is applicable to designated OEM on-board terminals or authorized service providers. The Company shall not be liable for any problems arising from the use of the software on other terminal systems or any problems arising from the use of any third-party software on the mobile terminals for screen projection and backcontrol.

User Agreement

Important Note

1.1 In this special reminder, before you use the K-Rider software (hereinafter referred to as the "Software"), please read the K-Rider User Agreement carefully. Ensure that you fully understand the terms of this Agreement. Please read carefully and choose to accept or reject this Agreement.

1.2 We reserve the right to amend these terms at any time without prior notice to you. In the event of any change to these terms, we will publish the revised terms on this software. Please note to check the latest applicable version of this clause in time. You understand and agree that if you continue to use the Software after the revised version becomes effective, we will treat your use of the Software as an acceptance of the revised Version. If you are unable to accept amendments, you may terminate these terms by ceasing to use the Software.

Special Notes

2.1 Please do not operate the software while driving the vehicle. Please use the software under the premise of ensuring safety to prevent traffic accidents or other dangerous situations.

2.2 Network traffic fees may be incurred during the use of the Software, such as video playback, related software used under mirroring conditions, game download, etc., which shall be charged by your corresponding Internet service provider.

2.3 Our products, websites and services are mainly aimed at adults and shall not be used by minors. Although local laws and customs have different definitions of minors, we treat anyone under the age of 18 as a minor. Minors should be accompanied by the legal guardian to use the software, do not allow minors to use the software alone.

Protection of User privacy Information

The software respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all users of the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, the software will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. However, this software will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, the Software will not disclose this information to third parties or provide it to third parties without your prior permission. This software will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you agree to this software service use agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of this software service use agreement.

3.1 When you use this software network service, the software automatically receives and records the information on your mobile phone, including but not limited to your location data, language used, date and time of access, software and hardware characteristics information.

Personal Information Collection and Disclosure:
(1) User data: Email
Purpose and Application: To support the 'login' function, K-Rider requires users to fill in their email information when logging in to save their login status

(2) User data: approximate location information, exact location information
Purpose and Application: To support the 'navigation' function, K-Rider will collect the user's current location information when using the navigation function to ensure that the navigation function can be used normally

3.1.1 The software use Google Maps Platform to provide you the functon of navigation, your location or the address you input in the searching box will be send to Google cloud to get normal navi function.

3.1.2 In particular, we remind you that once you start mirroring, we have no right or obligation to protect the software you use in the mirror or any personal information you submit on the website, whether you log in, browse or use the aforementioned software or whether the website is based on the link or guidance of the software. If you refuse to be collected, please do not use third party functions and services within the image.

3.1.3 Using the software, you`ll allow some of your device permissions. The following is the business function corresponding to the software permission and the purpose of the permission. It will ask you when apply for the permission.

When you use K-Rider, in order for this software to provide the above functions, you will apply for the following permissions. After denying or granting permission, you can reset the permissions in the phone settings. In different devices, the permission display and closing methods may be different. For details, please refer to the instructions or guidelines of the device and system developers.

(1) Permission: storage permission
Purpose: Used to store user login Token information and store APP crash logs.
Collection scope: only collect user login token information and store APP crash logs.

(2) Permission: location information
Purpose: Help users accurately locate and use navigation while driving.
Collection scope: Only when using the navigation function, the user's current location information is collected to ensure that the navigation function can be used normally.

(3) Permission: Camera/Album
Purpose: Used by users to set their own avatar in the APP.
Collection scope: Only when the user wants to change the avatar, the user can choose to take a photo or select a photo in the album to change the avatar.

(4) Permission: Media
Purpose: Used by users to play local music in the APP.
Collection scope: When the user uses the APP to listen to local music, this permission is obtained for music playback.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

4.1 you understand and agree that the software service may be affected by many factors, including but not limited to your reason, network equipment maintenance, network connection failure, the network signal is not covered, the network transmission delay or interrupt, electronic terminals, communications or other system failure or error, car trouble, power failure, riots, strikes, labor disputes, riots, fire, flood, storm, explosion, war, government behavior, the judicial administrative organs of the command, force majeure or other third party not as force majeure, etc.

4.1.1 The Software services may include content submitted by other users or third parties. Such content that does not belong to the Software is provided only for your convenience, and the publisher shall assume full responsibility for such content. The Software may review relevant content to determine whether it violates laws, regulations or relevant policies of the Software, and delete or refuse to display it when the Software has reasonable reasons, but this does not mean that the Software is obligated or necessarily will review such content. Your use of content submitted by other users or third parties indicates that you agree that you will evaluate it at your own risk and consequence.

Change, Suspension and Termination of services

5.1 The Software has the right to change, suspend or terminate the provision of the Software services by sending or not sending notices at its own option, and has the right to change, suspend or terminate your use of the Software Services at its own option. If the server or system maintenance, upgrade or other reasons need to suspend or terminate all or part of the software services, the software will be announced as far as possible in advance. If the Software permanently terminates the provision of the Software services, the Software will be announced on the relevant software or website before the termination of the service, and you agree that the Software does not need to notify you separately. Except as expressly required by laws and regulations, the Software shall not be liable to you or any third party for any change, suspension or termination of the Software services.

Legal Liability

6.1 user understands and agrees that, we have the right to according to the reasonable judgment of violation of the relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement for punishment, in violation of any user to take appropriate legal action, according to the laws and regulations keep relevant information reported to the relevant departments, etc., the user shall bear all the legal responsibilities and.

6.1.1 User understands and agrees that, due to user's breach of this Agreement, any claim, demand or loss claimed by any third party, including reasonable attorney's fee, User shall indemnify and hold harmless our Partner company and affiliate company.


7.1 This agreement is made in English and Chinese version. In case of differences in understanding caused by different languages, the Chinese version shall prevail. Any dispute or dispute shall first be settled through friendly negotiation. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, The User agrees to submit the dispute or dispute to the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place of our domicile.

7.1.1 No matter for what reason any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.


K-Rider由辽宁尔雅网信科技有限公司开发并运营。 K-Rider隐私政策适用于K-Rider提供的所有软件、网站和服务(统称为“K-Rider产品或服务”),包括但不限于适用于计算机、移动智能终端、车载导航设备等。

K-Rider 的隐私政策旨在帮助您更好地了解我们收集哪些数据、我们为何收集这些数据、我们为使这些数据受益而采取的措施以及我们如何保护这些数据。 了解这些内容对于您行使个人权利、保护您的个人利益至关重要信息。 请在使用我们的产品或服务之前仔细阅读本政策。 当您开始下载、访问或使用我们的产品或服务时,即表明您已同意本隐私政策并信任我们对您信息的处理。 您的信息应遵守第三方的隐私条款。










1.1 在此特别提醒在您使用K-Rider驾驶软件(以下简称为“本软件”)之前,请您务必认真阅读K-Rider驾驶用户协议。确保您充分理解本协议中各条款。请您审慎阅读并选择接受或不接受本协议。

1.2 我方保留随时修订本条款的权利,且无须另行事先通知您。本条款一旦发生变动,我方将会在本软件上公布重新修订后的本条款。请您注意及时查看本条款的最新适用版本。您理解并同意如果您在本条款修订版本生效后继续使用本软件,我方将把您的使用行为视为对修订后的本条款的接受。如果您不能接受修订,您可以通过停止使用本软件终止本条款。


2.1 请您勿在驾驶车辆的同时操作本软件,务必在确保安全的前提下使用本软件,以防发生交通事故或其他危险情况。

2.2 本软件在使用过程中可能会产生网络流量费用,例如进行视频播放、镜像条件下使用的相关软件、游戏下载等,该费用由您的相应网络服务提供商收取。

2.3 我们的产品、网站和服务主要面向成人,未成年人不得使用。尽管当地法律和习俗对未成年人的定义不同,但我们将不满 18 周岁的任何人均视为未成年人。未成年人应在法定监护人的陪同下使用本软件,请勿让未成年人独自使用本软件。


3.1 本软件尊重并保护所有使用服务用户的个人隐私权。为了给您提供更准确、更有个性化的服务,本软件会按照本隐私权政策的规定使用和披露您的个人信息。但本软件将以高度的勤勉、审慎义务对待这些信息。除本隐私权政策另有规定外,在未征得您事先许可的情况下,本软件不会将这些信息对外披露或向第三方提供。本软件会不时更新本隐私权政策。您在同意本软件服务使用协议之时,即视为您已经同意本隐私权政策全部内容。本隐私权政策属于本软件服务使用协议不可分割的一部分。

(1) 用户数据:邮箱

(2) 用户数据:大致位置信息、确切位置信息

3.1.1本软件使用谷歌地图服务提供导航功能,您的位置或者您在搜索框输入的地址需要经过Google Cloud以正常使用功能.




(1) 权限:存储权限

(2) 权限:位置信息

(3) 权限:相机/相册

(4) 权限:媒体







6.1 用户理解并同意,我方有权依合理判断对违反有关法律法规或本协议规定的行为进行处罚,对违法违规的任何用户采取适当的法律行动,并依据法律法规保存有关信息向有关部门报告等,用户应承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。

6.1.1 用户理解并同意,因用户违反本协议约定,导致或产生的任何第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,包括合理的律师费,用户应当赔偿我方与合作公司、关联公司,并使之免受损害。


